2023 OAHPERD President

Kerry Morgan

A Message from the President

Hello OAHPERD Members,

I have had the pleasure of serving on the OAHPERD Board and Council for the last three years. I can confidently say we have a dedicated team of professionals who have laid a solid foundation for the 2023-2024 year. Our last few OAHPERD conventions in combination with several workshops have built tremendous momentum. The 2023 Convention reminded me how proud I am to be Made in Oklahoma. I hope you have enjoyed these opportunities as much as I have.

My vision for this next year is to continue to provide high-quality professional development opportunities for the professionals and students who are current members of OAHPERD. I also want to see our professional membership grow as more and more people see OAHPERD as their professional home. And, I hope to see former OAHPERD members rejoining and reconnecting. We have opportunities to mentor and be mentored. We have opportunities to educate others while also remaining lifelong learners ourselves. We have opportunities to advocate for health and physical literacy as well as our professions. We have opportunities to collaborate, share ideas, and lean on each other. We have opportunities to be innovative and think outside the box.

With this in mind, the theme for the 2023-2024 year is action-oriented. Our theme is: The Time is Now! Educate. Advocate. Collaborate. Innovate. This will be our guiding compass for the 2024 Convention as well as several other professional development and networking opportunities offered to OAHPERD members between now and October 2024. I appreciate the work you all are doing in your schools and communities. OAHPERD is here to be a resource to you while also recognizing your expertise and celebrating your accomplishments.

All the best,

Kerry Morgan, OAHPERD President